Monday, June 18, 2012

my body is feeling very crazy. i just started a journey of making 24 maps, which means super intense 4 hour intervals of sitting in front of the computer. exhausted by the sheer focus, but the (educational) profit will be good - i can feel it in my back ache! i'm only on the first map, but my pace and efficiency has been picking up quickly. 24 maps of community forests!

not feeling like my usual physical self after sitting all day long. instead of running, i want to just lay down and read more poetry from this wonderful website that e.youle sent me. i always felt guilty that i only had one other internet source for poetry (but it's very good!). now i can feel a little bit more relieved because i have two!

this weekend i discovered an amazing library/resource in bangkok! everyone i know has heard a great amount of enthusiasm about the Thailand Creative Design Center from me. they respond by saying that they're surprised i had not heard of it before. i'm so very grateful that it's now in my lyfe, but it's a bit sad to me that such a wonderful collection of information is guarded by a paid membership (the amount is much harsher for foreigners). it makes sense but it doesn't make sense (the part of me that doesn't get it is spoiled by my past experiences with amazing, amazing, free libraries). i have been craving a space like that in my bangkok-life that is aesthetically and educationally designed for true study!

this place also houses an archive, one of seven in the world, called material connexion. this is a sculpturists', texilist's, or anyone who makes physical objects dream come true! a brilliant, 3-d, library of innovate and sustainable materials.

a very rewarding weekend to have discovered this place and spend all of my sunday editing photographs as a way to start thinking about sequencing and applying to grants. i also think i might be ate the point of understanding what this year has been all about.

1 comment:

EB said...

yes! it's a good one.

beautiful photo estelle.