Wednesday, April 20, 2011

host affiliation and mentor - CHECK!!

was telling SS how great it was to get an email that said my project would be "strongly supported". it feels like my voice is a little bigger in the world, and maybe i will leave tangible, well-shaped foot prints after all.

z and i had a good one on one on the codes and modes of study vs. research. i guess i will be "studying" but it will involve "research". sometimes i like to think that i am an anthropologist of my own kind, but i don't publish papers with validity. i have a 2.5 blogs that are concerned with expressing elements of anthropology, elements of ecology, elements of me. i cannot be the kind of resource i look forward to when i am researching on JSTOR. i am okay with that, i am my own kind of cultural ecologist.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


The purpose of the 1964 National Forest Reserve Act was to legalize 'permanent' forests' mapped on paper and to accelerate demarcation by the state. This law allowed forests to be designated as 'reserves' without royal decree. The latest statistics show that forest reserves (45% of total land) represent almost twice the area covered by actual forest, making it clear that the word 'reserves' is void of meaning.

Jin Sato, Public Land for the People: The Institutional Basis of Community Forestry in Thailand

Approximately 1.5-8 million people (from about 2 - 13 percent of total population respectively) live on uncertain lands.

Usufruct rights vs. full ownership title

"Land reform, on the hand, allowed farmers to obtain their own land with certain restrictions; in other words, it was a mechanism for farmers to reclaim rights over ambiguous public lands... With the decline in economic growth from the late 1990s, and the increasing difficulty of finding jobs in the cities, the problem of rural landlessness is re-emerging as one of the key items on the development agenda."

ALRO (Agricultural Land Reform Office) & Plantation and forest village
*many of this programs began in the 60s and 70s (near forest reserves) and were often tied to national security concerns, particularly Communist insurgency. Conservation and restoration of forests merely served as a pretexts for mobilizing local villagers to counter insurgents who were often hiding in the remote forest areas. As a result, many of the forest village projects took place along the borders of Laos and Cambodia.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

updated website:

commentary often reveals the photograph people are most inclined to. somehow after listening, i begin to repel. why?

also today's BAVC meeting was amazing...exactly what i wanted from today. i feel rushed with new ideas and angles for considering the work i want to do. i see the importance and potential of impact. i want it to happen.

Monday, April 11, 2011

who will i be there?

alamar, another amazing film to add the the list from the first person rural program.

getting excited for a few SFFS movies.

attending a BAVC presentation offered to "media maker" fellows tomorrow via nadia shihab! the presentation is on new media strategies which i'm not sure what that entails, but i think it will be cool to meet a new network of artists, particularly video artists who are working in the form of social/cultural documentary. i think it could give a lot of insight into my project overseas.

i have already been drawing on ethical questions about my project. some times the people who can help the most are already in the community. even if i stay two years, that is just a fraction of a lifetime. it's one of those things, i just need to play by ear, but also keep an open dialogue with myself and never lose sight of that awareness.