Thursday, September 29, 2011

wish i had a camera:

aunt in the mango tree with pink rollers in her hair. pruning by axing the lower branches that did not produce fruit this season. right up in the middle of the tree. woke up to the sound of this and went outside and she laughed hard when i asked her what in the world was she was doing.

i dragged all the debris to our very long compost yard. chilis are getting ready to pick. bright red meaning very, very spicy.

fulbright campus interview tonight. keeping awake with game of thrones. ready? hmmm, we'll see. the questions could be about anything so i am prepared with little bits of information about everything. thai events, us events, brazil events, uk events.

one banana left from the plume of 9 that we started with yesterday. all me. two and half of those bananas are equal to one american banana.

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