Saturday, April 10, 2010

some things feel better in the early morning, and many things feel very good anyway: eating, writing, thinking.

i love early mornings that i can have to myself at home. it never happens that i can see the sun rising over our balcony. i have been really enjoying my well-rested, get-things-done, quality-people weekend. it feels like i have a life? even though i was just whining about being lonely. i'm not really, but i have days where no one is around when you want someone around because of my odd schedule.

inspiring things lately include:

-the introduction to the gift by lewis hyde (although am not thoroughly enjoying his cultural explanation of gifting)
-frank zappa animation "mr. b"
-farmer's market, homesteading
-serena mitnik-miller's studio, so amazing-it looks like life itself

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