Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the arrow is straight

been in the u.p. (the upper peninsula, as the locals call it) of michigan, pictured rocks national lakeshore. calcium and manganese sandstone and beaches like whoa. we were in minneapolis for the night and are now finding ourselves in a plywood motel 1/2 hr away from the badlands in S. Dakota.

we just got back from dinner and drinks at club 27, a contemporary establishment relative to the scale and development of this tiny town, where the owner and friend talked w. us- "these are hard times in this country". frustrated w. skewed wages of the economic make up, outsourcing, what it takes to make ends meet (owning a bar, 5,000 acres of land for farm and 260 cattle, and playing country music hard on the weekend, he barely makes it).

regardless of their political standing, they are advocates of farm and food education. one man, of his twelves kids, has taken four of his sons to the local slaughterhouse (they have another name for it, but i've already forgotten) just so they know. his earnest desire renewed my interest in involving myself for some greater good, a scope much larger and more significant than myself, concerning the most elemental resources we sustain on.

last thing i want right now is to remain as i am. so much to do.

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