Thursday, June 14, 2012

whoa, sally gall. why have i never heard of you before?

Sometimes i don't feel worthy shooting in color- that it's just not my medium. It's because I spent so long trying to understanding why black and white prints, if done well, felt sculptural. I feel like i really get black and white, and it makes my heart so warm to see it done well. Especially these years when digital looks too good to be true. Each definition in the frame attempts to be sharp on behalf of our believed reality, but our own eyes don't even see with that kind of precision. What we've created is beyond us. At least the color of film speaks through the grain and ashiness, which is mountains more sculptural than the images we see today.

the first and second image remind me of another pie-in-the-sky. my adventures in the swamps of georgia and florida. i must go. i will go. and i'll stop in new orleans to gets oysters on the way.

"You can’t be an artist and have your identity reside in only one thing. The thing that you master will become a stranger to you, and you will outlive it or you will need to live into something else. You will always need to be educating yourself to the complexity of your feelings as they grow, and you don’t want to do something twice, really. Everything that makes you an artist in a sense is the way things are understood; how they fit together in ways that have not been understood before. How can you discover the inherent value that’s hidden in things that you haven’t yet seen? It’s in that sense that you want to do something new."

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