great photo alliance lecture tonight at SFAI. doug dubois (a hampshire alum!) and mark mcknight presented work. axons ignited when they both made remarks on the role and presence their work has.... as gestures of poetry. so nice when you feel you that you may fall within the same school of thought or belong to the same tribe.
this week amounts to a lot of change in schedule. from being demoted at work to leaving internship to opening up photography time and inviting new people into my life (e.g. the bromeliad society). it certainly is what it is and i will welcome it with open arms and do my best to do as much photography everyday all day.
i walked half of san francisco yesterday in 6 hours. a good day of photography and pure looking after seeing the bresson show at the moma with my sister. downtown - china town - north beach - fisherman's wharf - aquarium park - fort mason - marina/cow hollow - alamo square - pan handle - haight/ashbury - and finally, golden gate park to meet with the bromeliad plant society.
i plan on attending all the plant societies meetings next month. looking most forward to bonsais, roses, and cacti and succulents!
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