yes gabo met me at work and then we drove to my house where i showed him my dead snake. today it started to smell pretty bad. he said why didn't you refrigerate it? and i said, fuck i didn't think about that. we walked the neighborhood and collected a survey of flora for a new still life. i'm aiming for a still life a day. i guess that means tomorrow i should do another still life. of what? oh, that makes me wish i had bought that chia obama pet- his hair would the be alfalfa sprouts.
i am drunk tired- i spelled my name out wit the florida st. plant survey... inspired by alexis anne mackenzie and took photographs of it during different times of the day. yes, it got blown away a lot, and yes the flies began eating my snake. we will see what it looks like soon. i can't stand fuji film, but that's all i had to work with.
i'm bad, i told z i'd do the dishes but i just made more dirty ones and still have the old dirty ones in the sink. mac says he likes hearing me talk about how i see films, basically translating my experiences to him and now he wants to watch more abstract films. i love that kind of influence. which reminds me, how can i surround myself with people who are better than me? (as in, people who are more experienced than me who i can learn from)
z and i went to a pacific film archive screening the other night that was not well curated by david wilson, but had some noteworthy films like jeanie liotta's eclipse (she has an amazing signature at the end of her films, her name in really big cursive); len lye work, although not well projected; a really awesome ben russell film in which he collaborates with lightning bolt; mothlight by stan brahkage; and gary beydley's hand held day which i'd like to say is my favorite because i take the most inspiration away from it- it is contributing to still life ideas!
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