i dont know if i have packed enough sweaters!
had a great day at the gardens yesterday. escorted by sarah montana and seven 4x5 negatives total. way too excited to see what the work will look like. what is interesting about working with a large format camera, especially after a short hiatus, is the focus and time it takes to take one photograph. you have to really mean it. and i love that. (also one sheet of 4x5 film is $3, to develop must be another $4 or 5)
which reminds me --> this woman's (malavika sarukkai, my recent inspiration/model for devotion) soul is dancing, and i am really into how she expresses her rethinking of tradition here:
got my 120 film back from megan and i am pretty psych to scan in work from late august and september.
also why my mom is the best: she came in while i was packing with 3 huge trays of raspberries, cherries, and blackberries for the road!!
am going to miss my LA friends so much!!
moving is sweet sorrow
i need your new address!
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