visiting cousins on the oregon coast. they're my age and i haven't seen them in six years. how easy it is to forget that they are my contemporaries... great good family.
egg yolk sun, all the way through wyoming to idaho, then potatoes to portland.
people ain't nicer than the folks in pendleton, oregon and sheridan, wyoming- why people were nice all over.
I now fashion tippi earrings from mt. rushmore and I am a concrete believer of Don King, aka Sheridan King. Wish i could find some pictures of him when he was young and a real looker. An unbelievable master of leather and saddlery.
As i'm getting closer to home, life does feel a little bit more resolved. I also like the idea of surfing a lot, and I like the idea of learning how to read and write thai. and working on patience.
my cousin is so cute, she set aside sticky rice and deep fried pork for my drive down the coast tomorrow and she is making me a sea salt bath.
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