Moksha is a gnosis and a praxis. First, it is a knowledge. Not in the modern sense of knowing- which has been generally reduced to information about this or that- but in the more ancient sense of
realizing the truth: that is, making it real and effective, living it and becoming one with it. Moksha is self-knowledge. To understand oneself, one must practice introspection and eliminate the superfluous: karma and all that goes with it, enthusiasms, dislikes, nostalgia, affection, ego, personal consciousness. In that way one discovers that one's true self is other. This self has, according to the different schools and religions, various names: atman, sat, purusha. It is also emptiness. It is neither an I nor a you nor a he nor a she. It is neither a noun nor a pronoun. It has no weight, size, age, taste: it is only...