Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kline offered this: 'The real thing about creating is to have the capacity to be embarrassed.'

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a soul in each finger, putting life into stills

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the room is in the place of mind

a richness of place, full of availabilities

in a small room, louis kahn.

brian (another visitor!) and i weaved in and out of u city today. my favorite part was showing him some of the strange pregnant houses, and the half and half houses of the area. and then to top it off we saw a small louis kahn exhibit at upenn. his drawings are really amazing. it is striking to me because his use of light and form is very impressionistic which seems to negate the conventional stylization of architecture drawings. and the text was really amazing. he had these great ideas about how space ought to be created and used, how a room is not a room without natural light, how the merging of rooms is significant because those shared entrances are where people also converged... and how he hopes to change the human interaction from an event to performance. he is concerned w the intended use of the building, of the 'human institution' it is meant to serve- to inspire learning, meeting, and well-being. he emphasized the influence and expression of a room. he used the example of what one would say in a small room would not be the same as what would one say in a large room. i was really amazed.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

all of the peaches for you grandpa

what a good weekend. i dream of paddling out to islands. i love waking up early to talk to someone. i love making tea for other people. such simple gifts.

i love visitors.

more visitors.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I, an island, sail, and my shores toss
on a fragrant evening, fraught with sadness
bristling hate.
It's true, I weep too much. Dawns break
slow kisses on the eyelids of the sea,
what other men sometimes have thought they've seen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

here are some words i am recently obsessed with:
the wind

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

for my sister

It is called The dance of fire, "the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical element of fire in the human body."

A celebration of the eternal universe through the celebration of the beauty of the material body.

Natya Shastra: "... I have seen the Kaisiki style during the dance of the blue-throated lord (Shiva). It consists of elaborate gestures (Mridu Angaharas, movements of limbs), sentiments (Rasas), emotional states (Bhavas). Actions (Kriyas) are its soul. The costume should be charmingly beautiful and love (Sringara) is its foundation. It cannot be adequately portrayed by men. Except for women, none can practise it properly".

tonight's midnight special is feeling accurately delightful.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

bbq tomorrow!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

thank you georgia.

also, i will be presenting my div iii photographs and new work at this event next thursday. excited/very nervous!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

why don't we ever ask for the things we need?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

For Love

mom is so good at getting coconuts

mixed farming in sri lanka

coconut crab


the physical fact is painful.

thank god today was wonderful, european, and i can see ahead of me.

to live, i must love my name... be ready to spend oneself, to gamble oneself- to expose oneself!